South Suburban Retired Teachers Association
IRTA Unit 19
For the Retired Teachers of Southern Suburban Cook County
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SSRTA, as a Local Unit of the IRTA, has two missions. One mission is economic and the other is social and/or community.
SSRTA's economic mission is for all of us - all we retired teachers - to join together to continue the fight for our pensions and benefits. We worked our entire careers, paid our share and earned every dollar of our pensions and corresponding economic benefits. We must protect them - joining SSRTA and IRTA give our voices the weight of our numbers. Therefore, we encourage support of the IRTAPAC with donations. The second mission of SSRTA is to provide an avenue for social and/or community based activities. Historically, SSRTA has participated in community service by taking part in three major projects. We have supported PADS for the homeless, RESPOND NOW for the hungry and needy of the south suburbs, and the IRTA Foundation monthly. We have eight Luncheons each year, usually on the third Wednesday of the month. We're choosing to move the location of the restaurant around month to month - north to south and/or east to west. Check your most recent monthly SSRTA Newsletter for the restaurant for the current selection. If you have a suggestion for a location for a future SSRTA Luncheon, please send a note (email) to Larry Schwarberg at this address. [email protected] If you want to help plan our Monthly SSRTA Luncheons, please fill out this contact form -->> Social Gatherings Tech Note: This site looks very good on laptops, desktops and tablets - it looks ok on phones. Please send your phone suggestions to Tony. For more information, please peruse the other pages on this website, or contact our Vice-President, Tony Marturano, at click gmail or call and leave a message at 708-479-5680. (If you get his machine - please leave a message - he's out enjoying retirement.) SSRTA currently is publishing ALL Monthly Committee Reports, including the Monthly President's Report, the Monthly Treasurer's Report and the Monthly Executive Committee Minutes, in the Monthly SSRTA Newsletter. Members receive their Monthly SSRTA Newsletter by email to their address on file. All others with a valid reason for accessing SSRTA info must contact Tony Marturano You can contact Tony here --->>[email protected] |
site updated 7/11/2024
this page updated 7/11/2024